A Note of Thanks

Dear Readers,

Welcome to MfMC official blog.

We aim to proactively and continuously promote and educate the issue of children's safety to the public. Children are the future of our nation and they are "vulnerable'. They rely on adults to protect them from any form of harm including without limitation to kidnapping.

Hence, it is our hope that this little effort will be able to instill the continuous sense of safety for children among the public.

Let's do this together. Help us to help others in creating the awareness. Spread the message to others. Prevention is better than cure.

Together we make a difference.

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Monday 16 December 2013

Petisyen - Keselamatan Anak-anak Adalah Tanggungjawab Bersama

English translation is at the bottom

Di #MfMC, kami telah sepakat untuk membuat satu petisyen berkaitan dengan isu keselamatan kanak-kanak. Berpegang kepada tema "Dari Kita Kepada Kita Untuk Anak-anak Kita", petisyen ini bertujuan untuk terus menyedarkan ibubapa dan masyarakat bahawa keselamatan anak-anak adalah tanggungjawab kita bersama. Petisyen ini ditujukan kepada ibubapa dan masyarakat di luar sana dan bukan kepada mana-mana pertubuhan, organisasi mahupun kerajaan. 

Oleh itu, kami mahu mengumpul sebanyak mungkin tandatangan dan sokongan daripada semua orang untuk petisyen ini. Ini amat penting bagi kami bagi membuktikan kepada ibubapa dan masyarakat bahawa ramai di kalangan kita yang percaya keselamatan anak-anak adalah tanggungjawab ibubapa dan masyarakat sendiri dan bukannya tanggungjawab pemerintah dan pihak berkuasa. 

Oleh itu, kami menjemput anda semua di luar sana untuk menandatangani (secara online) petisyen kami ini.  Bagi yang telah menandatangani, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas keprihatinan anda dan teruskan berkongsi petisyen ini dengan rakan-rakan dan ahli keluarga anda.

Untuk menandatangani dan menunjukkan keprihatinan anda, sila klik di sini

Petiton - Children's Safety is Our Mutual Responsibility

We at #MfMC has decided to make a petition on the issue of children's safety. Holding on the theme of "From Us To Us For Our Children", the petition  is meant to raise awareness among the parents and society members out there that children's safety is our mutual responsibility.  The petition is addressed to all parents and society members out there and not to any association or organisation or government.

Therefore, we aim to collect as many signatures and support as possible from everyone. This is very critical for us to prove to all parents and society members that many of us believe that children's safety is our responsibility and not that of the government or the authority.

We humbly invite all of you out there to join us and sign the petition (on line). To those who have signed, thank you from the bottom of our heart for showing your support and concern. Please help to share and spread the petition to your friends and family members so that they can also do their part.  

To sign and show your support for the petition, please click here


Monday 9 December 2013

MfMC's Community Message #1

If we do not look after our children, someone else will. Better be safe than sorry.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Kematian Tiga Beradik Bukan Tragedi Biasa

Apa yang berlaku ke atas adik Nur Syafikah Nadia Rusdi dan dua adik permepuannya adalah satu tragedi yang amat menyayat hati. Kenapa mereka diperlakukan sebegitu rupa masih menjadi tanya. Tidak perlulah kita untuk bermain teka teki dan membuat spekulasi sendiri tentang sebab musabab berlakunya kejadian itu. Biarkan pihak Polis meneruskan siasatan dan sama-sama kita berdoa agar penjenayah terbabit segera diberkas, di hadapkan ke muka pengadilan dan diberikan hukuman yang setimpal dengan jenayah keji yang dilakukan. Kami di Mission for Missing Children mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya jenayah yang dilakukan ke atas adik Nur Syafikah Nadia Rusdi dan dua adik perempuannya.

Bagi kami, melihat kepada jenayah sebegitu rupa yang berulang kali berlaku, kami dapat membuat kesimpulan bahawa semakin ramai manusia di luar sana yang semakin hilang kewarasan mereka dan sudah tidak lagi berperikemanusiaan. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi mengapa manusia semakin hilang kewarasan dan tidak lagi berperikemanusiaan. Ia mungkin kurang pegangan agama, terlalu terdedah kepada bahan bacaan dan budaya yang tidak sihat dan sebagainya. Ia mungkin agak kompleks untuk dirungkaikan dan memerlukan kerjasama dan kesedaran banyak pihak dan memakan masa untuk memperbetulkan apa yang tidak lagi betul.

Sebab musabab berlakunya jenayah-jenayah seperti ini adalah di luar kawalan kita sebagai seorang individu. Maka sebagai individu, dari kita memberi fokus kepada sesuatu yang di luar kawalan kita yang pastinya tidak dapat kita kawal, mengapa tidak kita beralih kepada sesuatu yang berada di dalam kawalan kita? Mungkin kita tidak sedar. Kita hendaklah lebih berhati-hati dalam segala tindak tanduk yang kita ambil. Hendaklah kita lebih bersikap prihatin dan waspada dengan persekitaran kita. Pepatah Melayu mengatakan "malang tidak berbau". Kalau kita boleh bau, memanglah senang, hakikatnya kita tidak dapat menghidu bila perkara buruk akan terjadi kepada kita atau ahli keluarga kita. Langkah berhati-hati dan berwaspada ini mungkin dianggap leceh kerana ia memerlukan tenaga dan masa kita seperti menemani anak bermain di taman, pergi sendiri ke kedai dan bukannya menyuruh anak kecil berjalan sendirian dan sebagainya. Ia nampak remeh jika kita pasti tiada apa akan berlaku, hakikatnya kita tidak dapat memberi kepastian itu. Apa yang remeh itu akan jadi penting apabila kejadian yang tidak kita ingini berlaku ke atas orang yang kita sayangi. Namun ia pastinya sudah terlambat. Jadi, beringatlah sentiasa.

Berulang kali kes-kes seperti ini berlaku dan seluruh negara akan meratapinya dan orang ramai akan mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya jenayah yang dilakukan. Tetapi satu persoalan yang timbul: Apakah yang kita lakukan secara individu atau berkumpulan bagi memastikan jenayah seperti ini tidak berlaku?

Ingatlah! Kerapkali jenayah berlaku kerana kita memberi ruang dan peluang kepada penjenayah untuk bertindak dan mereka ini bertindak pada masa, dengan cara dan di tempat yang kita tidak sangkakan.      

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Finally!!! We are a Registered NGO

Tuesday, 26th November 2013 marked an important date for us at Mission for Missing Children (MfMC). It is official now that we are a registered society under Section 7 of the Societies Act 1966. It is a great milestone for us and solid proof of our commitment to continue with our efforts to create and raise awareness among society on the importance of children's safety. 

MfMC's Registration Certificate
In our continuous effort to champion our cause, we pledge that we shall remain a non-profit NGO and politically independent.

We are now inviting everyone out there, to join us in our effort to promote the children's safety issue. As rightly pointed out by one of MfMC's buddies, Ganesa Rama on his facebook wall, "if we can raise alertness in just one heart, a child's life is saved". 

There are more than 1500 people out there who have joined us in our cause. They decided to make a difference. What about you?

We would like to also share a quote from another MfMC's buddy that "no point to mourn each time a child goes missing if we choose not to play our part in preventing that from happening"   

Friday 8 November 2013

Jenis-jenis Kehilangan Kanak-kanak

Seringkali kita terbaca tentang kes kehilangan kanak-kanak. Di sebalik kes-kes tersebut, tersirat pelbagai faktor dan jenis kehilangan kanak-kanak. Nampak mudah tetapi kita harus memberi perhatian yang serius berhubung perkara ini. Antara faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada kes kehilangan kanak-kanak (antaranya telah kami sentuh dalam artikel yang lepas) adalah termasuk kecuaian ibubapa/penjaga, kurangnya keharmonian dalam kehidupan sekeluarga, kurang kasih sayang ibubapa/penjaga, terlalu mengambil mudah hal berkaitan keselamatan anak-anak dan sebagainya. Namun artikel kali ini menyentuh tentang jenis kehilangan kanak-kanak yang mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya kes kehilangan kanak-kanak.

1. Pemerdagangan kanak-kanak (child trafficking)

Kanak-kanak yang diculik bagi tujuan ini jarang ditemui semula. Walau tidak ada bukti jelas bahawa seseorang kanak-kanak yang diculik itu digunakan untuk tujuan pemerdagangan kanak-kanak, kerana kesukaran mendapatkan statistik, adalah dipercayai seramai 1.2 juta kanak-kanak diperdagangkan setiap tahun di seluruh dunia.

Kanak-kanak yang diperdagangkan ini melalui nasib yang berbeza-beza di antara satu sama lain namun tidak ada satu pun nasib yang menimpa mereka ini berbentuk positif. Semuanya adalah berbentuk negatif. Antara nasib-nasib yang menimpa mereka adalah: -
  • menjadi buruh paksa
  • dieksploitasi untuk tujuan seks
  • terlibat dalah urusan jual beli dadah
  • menjadi pengemis
Filem Slumdog Millionaire adalah antara filem yang berkisar kepada pemerdagangan kanak-kanak.

2. Tebusan

Dalam kes sebegini, keluarga mangsa akan dihubungi untuk mendapatkan wang tebusan. Keluarga mangsa akan dinasihatkan oleh penculik untuk tidak menghubungi pihak polis dan mereka akan mengaturkan jumlah wang, tempat dan masa untuk penyerahan wang tebusan. Dalam banyak kes, mangsa tidak akan berada di tempat penyerahan wang dilakukan namun sekiranya dilepaskan kepada pihak keluarga ditempat berasingan. Namun terdapat juga mangsa yang dibunuh walaupun wang tebusan diserahkan seperti yang diminta. Walau apapun arahan yang diberikan oleh penculik, pihak keluarga hendaklah dengan pantas menghubungi pihak polis dan jangan cuba untuk berurusan dengan penculik secara bersendirian.

Filem Ransom adalah antara filem berkisar kepada penculikan untuk tujuan mendapatkan wang tebusan.

3. Lari dari Rumah

Kes sebegini terjadi akibat kerelaan diri kanak-kanak itu sendiri melarikan diri dari rumah. Namun harus diingat bahawa dalam kebanyakan kes, ia melibatkan pengaruh pihak ketiga (selain anggota keluarga terdekat) yang menghasut kanak-kanak itu sendiri untuk melarikan diri dari rumah. Hal ini boleh terjadi jika tiada keharmonian dalam kehidupan berkeluarga atau ibubapa/penjaga yang tidak ambil peduli akan hal anak-anak. Merasakan kehadiran mereka tidakbegitu dihargai, mereka akan mengambil keputusan melarikan diri. Namuan ada juga anak-anak yang berada diluar kemampuan ibubapa/penjaga untuk mengawal mereka. Banyak lagi faktor yang mendorong mereka melarikan diri dari rumah. Walau apapun, kebanyakan mereka yang melarikan diri dari rumah bertindak atau mengharapkan agar dapat kembali ke pangkuan keluarga mereka semula.

4. Diculik Oleh Orang yang Dikenali

Dalam hal ini, ia biasanya akan berkisar kepada konflik dalaman keluarga dan lebih kepada ingin mendapatkan hak penjagaan yang tidak melalui proses perundangan.

Walaupun kelihatan penculikan yang dilakukan oleh orang yang dikenali agak kurang berbahaya, namun saat tidak mengetahui apa yang berlaku dan bakal berlaku ke atas anak yang diculik itu pastinya sesuatu yang merunsingkan. Oleh yang demikian, kami menasihatkan semua orang supaya sentiasa menjadikan keselamatan anak-anak sebagai perkara paling penting dalam setiap urusan. Tiada siapa yang inginkan anak-anak mereka hilang (dalam bentuk dan cara apa sekalipun) namun tidak ramai yang bersungguh-sungguh memastikan keselamatan anak-anak mereka. Bukan mereka tidak tahu, cuma kesedaran itu amat kurang.  

Friday 13 September 2013

MfMC Cycling Jersey and T-shirt

As part of MfMC's efforts to create and raise awareness level among the society on the importance of children's safety, we have had and will be participating and organising many more activities such as our mount climbing activity, MfMC's Ride for Missing Children and various sporting events, amongst others are triathlons, marathons and duathlons. 
Now, after 1 year in operation, MfMC made another breakthrough by coming out with MfMC's very own cycling jersey. It is our hope that we are able to further promote our cause through our cycling jersey now that more people will be aware about MfMC which will then lead them to have more information about children's safety.
Therefore, we call upon all cyclists out there to support our cause by purchasing MfMC's cycling jersey. Everytime you wear MfMC's jersey, you are in fact helping to promote the message on the importance of children's safety. That is why your contribution matters to our cause.   

MfMC's jersey and bib set costs RM270 (half gel padding) which comes with MfMC's t-shirt.

However, if you wish to just buy the t-shirt, you pay only RM60.

That is why your contribution matters to our cause. 
Cycling Jersey - Click here for full resolution
Cycling Bib - Click here for full resolution

T-shirt in quick dry material. Click here for full resolution
It is important to note that as we are self-funded and non-profit, we are not making profit from the sales of the jersey and t-shirt.

Those who are interested to buy, you may pay deposit of RM100 no later than 16th September 2013 by crediting the desposit into Maybank account 501543107114 (Mohd Khafiz Bin Bachok). Please provide deposit slip and your details purchase i.e. your size for jersey, bib and t-shirt by emailing to us at mfmc82012@gmail.com

For the sizing chart, please see the two photos below
Sizing for Jersey and Bib
Sizing for T-shirt
Let's support Mission for Missing Children. Together we can make a difference.

Thanking you in advance.
Note: Credit to www.tristupe.com for better resolution images.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

MfMC's Ride for Missing Children-Merdeka Ride 2013

On 31st August 2013, a group of 15 cyclists from GDC (JB), TOK (BTHO, Cheras), OntahmanO (Selayang), ARC-IIUM and IIUM X-Team (Gombak) gathered at Bandar Baru Selayang Petronas Station. As early as 7:30 am, they were already there getting ready for MfMC's first anniversary Merdeka Raya Ride. Exactly a year ago, a group of cyclists (about the same number) from the ARC-LP, IIUM team did the first MfMC's Merdeka Raya night ride from Kuala Kubu Bharu to Fraser's Hill. That event marked MfMC's first activity since formed in August 2012.

While last year, the group merely did the ride, it was very much different this year. Apart from cycling, the group did take the opportunity to approach the local community in various location where they made their stops to share and distribute MfMC's pamphlets. 

MfMC's Pamphlet English version
Amongst others, the pamphlet  introduce MfMC to the society as well as sharing strong message on children's safety. To further instill the sensitivity of the society on this issue, we shared past cases of missing children back in 1980's to the recent case of William Yau who went missing after the parent left him and his siblings in the car without adult's supervision.

MfMC's Pamphlet Malay version

The reason why we shared the past cases was not to bring back the black marks to the family of those children. We are sensitive on that, however, we strongly believe that to create and increase the awareness level, the effective way is to remind the society of the past cases so that they take note and learn something from it. The pamphlet also consists some tips on the same subject and printed in dual language i.e. Malay and English.

As you may be aware, MfMC consists of, amongst others cyclists who have been doing a lot of cycling activities in the past. Since last year, the group thought it was a great idea to propagate the message on the importance of children's safety through their activities, hence making their activities more meaningful. Hence, the tagline "It is not just for fun, it is for a reason".

Group photo before the ride
The MfMC Merdeka Raya Ride 2013 was kicked off on 31st August 2013 at about 8am with the first pit stop and regrouping of cyclists just before going downhill to Ulu Yam. After about 10 minutes break, the group continued their cycling and reached Kuala Kubu Bharu at around 10am. They had their breakfast and regrouping at KKB.

At KKB, the group took the opportunity to distribute MfMC's pamphlets and share the message on children's safety with the local community. The response was good and they were interested to know more about the cause MfMC's fighting for. We could see children and parents reading the pamphlet even when the group was about to continue their cycling to Fraser's Hill. That has already made the group happy feeling that their effort was appreciated.

Part of the group en route to KKB

After about an hour break, the group started their cycling and by that time, it was pretty hot out there and they had go for about 40km climbing route. It was tough at the beginning but with the passion to promote the issue of children's safety, the group endured the challenge and they felt like luck was on their side as after they passed the dam, the weather was getting better and shady. It then started to rain a little bit here and there until they reached Fraser's Hill. As it was raining in Fraser's Hill and the group was rushing to reached their destination of the day i.e. Raub, they stopped at Fraser's Hill just for a meal and prayer. The group was then divided into two i.e. 2 cyclists continued their ride to Raub via Tranum to finish off their initial plan of 3 days cycling while the rest headed back home.

The ride from Fraser's Hill to Raub was rather easy as it was downhill almost 80% of the route but it was raining heavily from Tranum to Raub. Safety is always first, hence, they had their safety lights blinking from their seat post to tell other road users of their presence on the road, so as to avoid accident. The two of them safely reached Raub at around 6pm where they put up a night at Seri Raub Hotel. Being a small town, there was not much of activities at night in Raub with most shops were closed at night.

Hotel Seri Raub agreed to help us distributing the pamphlet

On the second day, 1 September 2013, the plan was to do approximately 140km ride from Raub to Tanah Rata via Sg Koyan and Ringlet. They started their ride as early as 7.30am, but not without approaching the local community in Raub. Seri Raub Hotel was a nice, clean and comfortable budget hotel with their 2 single bed room is RM80/night. It is suitable for a short stay or if you want to take a rest and spend a night before continuing with your journey. It is located right in the middle of Raub town, making it very strategic as travellers from KL to Kelantan or vice versa will pass by Raub town. Next to the hotel, every Sunday there is a pasar tani and the two of them took the opportunity to distribute the pamphlet there and share the message.

Pasar Tani from the hotel room
Again, it was a warm welcome from the local folks and we were glad. However, there were people who were curious with the two of them, dressed in complete cycling suit, with their napsack at the back and distributing pamphlet to people.
The makcik was spotted reading the pamphlet just before the two of them started their ride
With one of the local folks

With local traders

Yes! it is about children

The duo before their 2nd day ride...proud with Jalur Gemilang

The ride from Raub to Sg Koyan where the duo made their first stop to refuel (carboload) was rather enjoyable with most part of the route was flat and is some locations it was rolling. The duo bumped into 3 cyclists coming from Sg. Koyan heading towards Raub. While the route was easy, they had to make a forced stop to change the bicycle tube as one of them had a flat tyre.They finally reached Sg Koyan at around 10am. Taking a break of about an hour at Sg. Koyan where they had light meal before going on climbing route of about 90km, they did approach few local folks on the mission as well as distributing the pamphlets.
Meeting local folks at Sg Koyan

Warm welcome by folks of Sg. Koyan
With kids at Pos Betau
They continued with their ride at around 11am. It was fun for the first 30km after Sg Koyan with the route was more of rolling. The tough part started thereafter with more of long climbing and the weather was so hot. Nonetheless, they made a quick stop at Pos Betau and took picture with the kids of the aborigines.
It was about 40km from Pos Betau to the nearest town, Ringlet in Cameron Highlands. It was really tough and challenging. They made a short break at KM 48 from Sg Koyan.
As they continued with their cycling, the weather became hotter with no place for shading. About 15km before Ringlet, it was shady as it seems that it was going to rain. But the rain drops for a little while only before the sun came out again.
With all the energy they had, enduring the heat and challenges while motivated by the mission to raise and create awareness among the society on the importance of the children's safety, the finally reached Ringlet at around 4.30pm and that was after they cycled for about 130km. They had late lunch at the Ringlet food court and performed prayer at the Petronas station.
Marvellous feeling!
They continued their ride at around 5:30pm to Tanah Rata. They did a pit stop at Bharat Tea House where they had their teh tarik. The feeling of having the teh tarik after such a long ride, at the highlands surrounded by the greenery of tea plants was marvellous. All the pain they had endured just went away. As it was getting darker, the duo could not stay longer there and had to rush to Tanah Rata before it rains. They reached Tanah Rata at around 6:40pm, which is after about 11 hours on the road!!!. First thing they need to do was to a place to sleep. It could be hotel or backpackers or even homestay. After a short tour of Tanah Rata, they decided to stay at Planters Hotel. Another budget hotel, costs the 2 of them RM135/night. Unfortunately, the weather climate in Cameron Highland has been warmer with even it was raining outside, people do not wear jacket. In the room where there was no air-cond, it was really warm.
The 3rd day on 2 September 2013, the duo started their ride to Tapah via Lata Iskandar at about 8:30am. They approached Planters Hotel and they agreed to help to distribute the pamphlets to their guests.
Sharing the message at Planters Hotel
Off we go...bye-bye Tanah rata...till we meet again
The ride from Tanah Rata to Tapah for about 50km was seen as a reward for their hardwork for the past 2 days as it was 90% going downhill. They made a brief stop for the last teh tarik session at Bharat Tea House where they distributed the pamphlet to the patrons there. The response, as usual has been very warm, which we believe due to our cause which is closed to the people's heart. Everyone knows that the issue of missing children is a serious issue and something more proactive need to be done and that is MfMC is trying to i.e. create and raise the awareness level among the society on the importance of the children's safety.
Distributing the pamphlets to the patrons ate Bharat Tea House
With Abg Radzi (former Kelantan cyclist) and his kids
After the brief stop at Bharat Tea House, the duo proceeded to Tapah. The made another brief stop at Lata Iskandar, a nice waterfall which is very closed to the narrow road. While making the stop, they were approached by a local tourist guide who were interested when informed about the ride and the message they carried with them. The tourist guide asked for pamphlets, which the duo were happily gave for him to put at his backpackers hostel.

Lata Iskandar waterfall as the background
The duo proceeded to Tapah where they end their ride. They reached Tapah at around 12pm. 
He did it!

He did it!

This marks the end of the ride...Alhamdulillah, it was a safe ride
From the ride where MfMC met and greeted the local communities in various places along the way, we strongly feel the agreement by the people that we met for the need to have more promotion and awareness campaign on the issue of missing children because more often than not, the causes that led to the children go missing are repeatedly the same. We hope that with this little effort by, we are able to promote the awareness among the society on the importance of children's safety.

We wish to record our appreciation to the people that we met for thjeir warm welcome.

MfMC is humbled with the support that we received during the ride by the duo. We wish to record our heartfelt appreciation to Hadhari Resources Sdn. Bhd., Jitu Bio-Tech (M) Sdn. Bhd. and Jawhari Furnitue Gallery for their monetary contribution for our pamphlet which we distributed to the local folks. We wish to also record our appreciation to the cycling team from ARC-IIUM, OntahmanO, IIUM X-Team, TOK and GDC for their direct participation during the ride. Last but not least, thank you to those who were involved in the ride, directly or indirectly and those who prayed for our success and safety during the ride



Monday 2 September 2013

Children Safety Tips - Tip #3

Never ever leave your child in the car without adult's supervision.

No matter how short the period is, children should not be left in the car on their own be it with the engine/air-cond on or off.

Below are some examples (non-exhaustive) of what can happen when the child is left alone in the car: -

  1. the car is being hijacked with the child inside the car;
  2. the child is kidnapped;
  3. the child unlocks the door and leaves the car which due to some misadventure, can lead to death;
  4. the child suffocated in the car; and
  5. the parents forget about the child left in the car;

So folks, better be safe than sorry. Do not risk the life of your child for your own convenience. If it is such a hassle to bring them with you, then leave them at home (with adult's supervision). 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Children Safety Tips - Tip #2

Be a more concerned society member.

If you see a child sitting in a car alone or walk alone or seems lost or if the child is in any situation that may pose danger to him/her, be a more concerned society member by going to the child. It will be good if you are able to start a conversation with the child but if you are not, do not walk away. Be with the child until his/her parents come to him/her or try to alert the authority. By that we mean to include security guard if that happens in a shopping mall. 

If the child is trapped in a car, alert the authority while pursuading the child to unlock the door. It is important to alert the authority so that your action will not be misunderstood by others. If the child refuses to unlock the door, do not walk away but stay there until his/her parents comes or the authority reaches the place. 

Your decision to stay/keep an eye on the child may save him/her as someone else may be watching and waiting to strike. That someone may be a child predator.

Lesson Not Learnt-Never Ever Leave Your Child in the Car Alone...Event for A Short Period of Time

On 22nd July, we read news report about a baby, Nawal Iris Samsudin who died of suffocation after being left in the car by her mother who attended her school meeting for 5 hours.

Today, just about a month after that tragic incident, we read another news report about a child who was left and locked in the car by her mother. Lucky for him that he was not sleeping (unlike baby Nawal) and was spotted by passers-by who alerted the fire and rescue team. He was saved by the rescue team.

At MfMC, we wonder why the mother in the recent case left her son in the car with the engine off and the door and windows locked. The mother might think that it was a hassle to bring her son along with her and therefore would be easier to just leave the poor boy in the car. If she were to let the engine running and on the air-condition, there is a high possibility that her car may be hijacked. One thing that she might have forgotten or overlooked was that her son might die of suffocation due to her negligence act.

Whatever the excuse is for her to do so, it is always unacceptable to leave the child in the car, albeit for a short period of time. People say that children are priceless and yet, there are parents out there who was more than willing to risks the safety of their child for their own convenience. As we said, whatever the reason is, it is not acceptable.

Now, let's think about having cash of RM20,000 in the car. Would anyone in the right frame of mind, leave the cash in their car unattended and viewable by others from outside the car? While the answer is obviously a big NO (let us know if you disagree), why would parents leave their kids alone in the car? Are they suggesting that their kids are of no value?

We are saddened by the continuous irresponsible act of some parents in this case. They are not many out there but every time they do such silly act, they are risking a life of a child who needs so much protection from their parents and that disturbed many of us.

So if it is such a hassle to bring your kids with you, leave them at home with someone who is capable to take care of them. If you decide to bring them with you, make sure that you do not leave them in the car. 

Many married couples out there who want to have children but they have none. So to those who have children, please appreciate that special gifts from Allah because not everyone is as lucky as you.


Sunday 25 August 2013

Children Safety Tips - Tips #1

When you are at crowded areas like shopping complex or carnival with your children, always pay attention to your children. If possible, always hold their hands. If that is not doable make sure that they are always within your sight. If you find it a hassle, leave them at home with someone who is capable to take care of them.

Remember this! If you do not pay attention to your children at crowded areas, someone else may and that someone else may be a child predators.

Better be safe than sorry.

Sunday 14 July 2013

An Act of Irresponsibile Father - He Was Given a Warning Only

It was reported in Sin Chew Daily and reproduced by The Star online about how a 3 year old girl was left by his, what we would like to describe as, "irresponsible father" alone at home had sneaked out from her home in the wee hours and wandered around in a park in Puchong to look for her parent. Apparently her mother was overseas and the father had an appointment with a friend and thought that it was not convenient to bring his daughter along. So he left the daughter all by herself at home.

The rule is simple, when it comes to the safety of our kids, nothing else is more important than that. Appointment with friends could be a normal hang out with friends over a cup of drink. Hence, it was not important at all. Even if it was an appointment with clients, proper arrangement need to be made for someone else whom the father trust to look after the girl, or else, just cancel the appointment. As simple as that. Obviously the father was not able to think properly in this case. Leaving a 3 year old girl at home, all be herself, no matter what time it is, is obviously very dangerous.

So to cut the story short, the girl was reunited with her irresponsible father at the police station where he was let off with a warning by the police personnel at the police station.

This is where, we at MfMC do not get it. Section 33 of the Child Act 2001 clearly provides penalty of fine not exceeding RM5000 or imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or both where a parent leaves their child: -
(a) without making reasonable provision for the supervision and care of the child;
(b) for a period which is unreasonable having regard to all the circumstances; or
(c) under conditions which are unreasonable having regard to all the circumstances,
What is mind boggling here is how can the father in this case was let off with merely a warning? Don't we had past cases where we can learn from? Do we have to wait for something to happen to the girl before stern action can be taken against the father? Ooops, wait...if something bad happen to the girl, then the entire nation will be sympathy to the parent and again, no action will be taken against them.

We wonder if Section 33 will be used one day...

Read the news report here.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Parent! Please bother with Your Kid's Online Activity

A girl, Tan Kah Wei was reported to have run away from home in Sri Petaling in mid April this year, allegedly after she befriend a guy on facebook. According to the mother, a week after she left her parent's house, she contacted them and asked for money. She also promised that she would be returning home but that was the last time they spoke to her.

Read the full news here.

We at MfMC pray for the safe return of Tan Kah Wei to her parents soonest possible.

We wrote about the need for parents to know their kids' online activities. Children are naive. They are still at the learning stage. They always thought that they know everything when it is not. They are also going through the stage where they want to explore lots of things. So, it is the parents' responsibilities to ensure that their kids are safe, online and offline all the time.


Monday 17 June 2013

When a Child Goes Missing...The Victim, The Culprit and the Criminal

This story including the name mentioned therein are merely fictitious and any similarity to anyone or to any incident is purely a coincidence.

Asmah, a mother of 2 small kids, Amin aged 5 and Azrul aged 2 was at the kitchen preparing for family lunch. It is the family routine to have lunch together, as Asmah's husband, Azman will come back home for lunch. It was 11:30am and suddenly Asmah reaslised that the salt and sugar have finished. As she needs to get the lunch ready by the time Azman reaches home, she knew that she could not leave the kitchen, as Azrul was sleeping. The only alternative that she had was to ask his eldest son, Amin to go to the nearby sundry shop to buy sugar and salt. She was thinking that it was purely ok for Amin to go to the shop by himself as the shop was just about 100m away from her house and the shop owner knows Amin. Without further thinking, she asked Amin to walk to the shop and in return, she allowed Amin to buy ice cream for himself.

With the money in hand, Amin happily walked to the shop. As he reached the shop, he told the shop owner that he wanted to buy salt and sugar...not forgetting his ice cream. As the transaction completed, Amin walked back to his house while enjoying his ice cream.

The time was 11:50am and Asmah was anxiously waiting for Amin to be home with the sugar and salt. She was thinking of Azman reaches home while the lunch was not ready. While looking at the wall clock, she was thinking where was Amin? Where did he go? In her mind, Amin must have gone to the playground or the neighbour's house instead of coming back home. Thinking of that she was mad. In her mind, she was imagining scolding Amin for loitering around.

The time was 12.15pm and Azman reached home. It was a routine for Amin, the moment he heard the sound of Azman's motorcycle engine, to run towards the door and shouted "Ayah!" to welcome his daddy home. Azman has always waited and enjoyed that moment. Watching Amin run towards him means all the office problem goes away just like that. On that day, Azman was expecting that normal routine. However, as he walked into the house, there was no Amin running towards him. He thought that Amin might be sleeping. He went to the kitchen and saw Asmah was still preparing the lunch. He came from behind and hugged his wife while whispering to her "I love you". He then kissed her on her cheek and forehead. He went to the room but only saw Azrul sleeping. He did not see Amin. He went to the kitchen and asked Asmah about Amin. With the upset voice, Asmah told him about Amin has not come back from the nearby shop. It had been 45 minutes since Amin left home to go to the shop.

Sensing something was not right, Azman quickly turned on his motorbike engine and went to the shop. The shop owner told him that Amin left his shop about 30 min ago. That made Azman really worries about Amin. Where was Amin? Where did he go? What happened to him? Did he lost his way home? Was he kidnapped? All these questions started to play in his mind.

At home, Asmah was no longer upset with Amin. She too, sensing something is not right when Azman did not come back from the shop. She started to worry about Amin's safety. The sense of regret came to visit her. She told herself, I should not have asked Amin to go to the shop. While she was busy thinking about Amin, Azrul woke up. He went to Asmah and asked Asmah to hug him. Asmah did that as part of their routine. All of a sudden, Azrul asked his mother about his brother, Amin. Asmah did not know what and how to answer as she was thinking and praying for Amin's safety.

To cut the story short, Amin had never made it home since he left home to go to the shop that day. The distance between the house and the shop was merely 100m away but something would have happened within that 100m range. When Azman went to work that morning, Amin was still sleeping. He kissed Amin and Azrul before he left home. He could not imagine that it was the last time he got to kiss his son, Amin. Asmah had never thought that asking Amin to go to the shop by himself could result in Amin went missing. She could not imagine that was the last time she saw Amin. 

What had happened to Amin was he was abducted, sold to the syndicate of human trafficking, transported to other country to beg. That would not be all. Amin was then amputated on certain parts of his limbs.
Certainly and obviously, Amin was the victim in this case. He was twice the victim. Victim to his mother who did not care enough on his safety and victim to the child predator a.k.a. the criminal who was taking advantage on the helpless poor little boy.

Every time a child goes missing, people talk about the victim and the criminal, be it the abductor, the rapist, the molester, etc. Often, we tend to forget about the culprit, in the above case, it was Asmah, Amin's mother. It was because people will symphatise with Asmah (and her family), though she was the culprit. She was the only reason why Amin went missing. Should she be more careful in taking care of her kids' safety, Amin could have still be with the family. Unfortunately, as adult, lots of us think of what comfort us than the safety of the children. 

It is troublesome to bring the kids to the shop, hence leaving them in the car. 
It is troublesome to go to the shop, hence asking small kids to go, all by themselves.
It is troublesome to accompany kids to the playground, hence asking them to go on their own.
People know that all the above pose risk to the children and expose them to danger, but sad enough, people still do that hoping that nothing will happen.

Section 33 of the Child Act 2001 provides: -

Any person who, being a parent or a guardian or a person for the time being having the care of a child, leaves that child-
(a) without making reasonable provision for the supervision and care of the child;
(b) for a period which is unreasonable having regard to all the circumstances; or
(c) under conditions which are unreasonable having regard to all the circumstances,
commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
The above clearly imposes duty of care of a guardian towards a child. I am not sure if this Section 33 has ever been used to charge careless guardian in court. Based on my reading in the newspaper every time a child goes missing, the focus has always been to help find the child and who is the responsible party i.e. the criminal. Often we forget about the real culprit.
To solve an issue, we need to always look at the root cause of it. The root cause is always the careless and negligent guardian. Sad to say, we always forget to look at the root cause, hence allowing the next case to happen.

We at Mission for Missing Children is making effort to continuously creating and increase the awareness level among the society on the importance of the safety of our children. We do hope that the authority will play more pro-active role in this matter. 

Child predators strike at the time and in the manner we least expect. Hence, when we thought that it is ok, think twice as chances are, it may not be ok.

Folks, let us be safe than sorry.